Booking and Reservations


  • $120.00 per night based on a 2-person occupancy
  • Tax rate 16.75%
  • Billing paid through SQUARE

    For availability and reservation call or text 210-875-1895

House Rules

1. Check in is at 11 AM unless approved 48 hrs. in advance. This is a self-check in a front door access code will be given the day of check- in provided that the final payment is successfully deposited via Square that information will be provided at time of reservation. The front door code is valid for the period of the reservation period.

2. Check-out is 2 PM unless approved for an extension. 48 hrs. are required for a make ready period between guests.

3. Wash all used dishes during your stay, if you wish to use the dishwasher there is dishwasher soap as dishwashing soap if hand washing is preferred including hand towels.

4. Throw trash in appropriate trash bins trash bags are provided. Rinse all food containers before discarding it help to keep the bugs out. Meat trays should be rinsed placed in small plastic bags and then place in the freezer then disposed of in the brown bin on Monday.Trash binds are placed by the curb for city pick-up on Monday nights (brown bin) and Thursday nights ( blue bin for plastics, tin, and glass) and (green bin is for compost i.e., paper bags, vegetable peels, banana peels etc.) Your host will take the bins to and from the curb.

5. There is a clothes washer and dryer in the garage, laundry soap and dryer sheets are provided. Please keep dryer lint trap clean.

6. Pets Rules – No pets of any kind are allowed in the home or on the property.

7. Smoking – No smoking in the home or on the property. No burning of incense or candles. No open flame in or on the property.

8. No parties or excessive noise between 10 pm and 8 am.

9. Do not flush anything down the toilet except for toilet paper. A small trash can is provided in each bathroom for personal hygiene items please throw out before you leave.